Annotation Interface SpringBatchTest

@Target(TYPE) @Retention(RUNTIME) @Documented @Inherited @TestExecutionListeners(listeners={StepScopeTestExecutionListener.class,JobScopeTestExecutionListener.class}, mergeMode=MERGE_WITH_DEFAULTS) @ExtendWith(org.springframework.test.context.junit.jupiter.SpringExtension.class) public @interface SpringBatchTest
Annotation that can be specified on a test class that runs Spring Batch based tests. Provides the following features over the regular Spring TestContext Framework:

A typical usage of this annotation with JUnit 4 is like the following:

 @ContextConfiguration(classes = MyBatchJobConfiguration.class)
 public class MyBatchJobTests {

     private JobLauncherTestUtils jobLauncherTestUtils;

     private JobRepositoryTestUtils jobRepositoryTestUtils;

     private Job jobUnderTest;

     public void setup() {
         this.jobLauncherTestUtils.setJob(this.jobUnderTest); // this is optional if the job is unique

     public void testMyJob() throws Exception {
         // given
         JobParameters jobParameters = this.jobLauncherTestUtils.getUniqueJobParameters();

         // when
         JobExecution jobExecution = this.jobLauncherTestUtils.launchJob(jobParameters);

         // then
         Assert.assertEquals(ExitStatus.COMPLETED, jobExecution.getExitStatus());

For JUnit 5, this annotation can be used without manually registering the SpringExtension since @SpringBatchTest is meta-annotated with @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class). Here is an example:
 public class MyBatchJobTests {

     private JobLauncherTestUtils jobLauncherTestUtils;

     private JobRepositoryTestUtils jobRepositoryTestUtils;

     public void setup(@Autowired Job jobUnderTest) {
         this.jobLauncherTestUtils.setJob(jobUnderTest); // this is optional if the job is unique

     public void testMyJob() throws Exception {
         // given
         JobParameters jobParameters = this.jobLauncherTestUtils.getUniqueJobParameters();

         // when
         JobExecution jobExecution = this.jobLauncherTestUtils.launchJob(jobParameters);

         // then
         Assertions.assertEquals(ExitStatus.COMPLETED, jobExecution.getExitStatus());

It should be noted that if the test context contains a single job bean definition, that is the job under test, then this annotation will set that job in the JobLauncherTestUtils automatically. The test context must contain a JobRepository and a JobLauncher beans for this annotation to properly set up test utilities. In the previous example, the imported configuration class MyBatchJobConfiguration is expected to have such beans defined in it (or imported from another configuration class).
Mahmoud Ben Hassine, Taeik Lim
See Also: