Annotation Interface Query

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(METHOD) @Documented public @interface Query
Annotation to provide SQL statements that will get used for executing the method. The SQL statement may contain named parameters as supported by NamedParameterJdbcTemplate. Those parameters will get bound to the arguments of the annotated method.
Jens Schauder, Moises Cisneros, Hebert Coelho
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    The named query to be used.
    Class<? extends org.springframework.jdbc.core.ResultSetExtractor>
    Optional ResultSetExtractor to use to convert the result of the query to domain class instances.
    Optional name of a bean of type ResultSetExtractor to use to convert the result of the query to domain class instances.
    Class<? extends org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper>
    Optional RowMapper to use to convert the result of the query to domain class instances.
    Optional name of a bean of type RowMapper to use to convert the result of the query to domain class instances.
    The SQL statement to execute when the annotated method gets invoked.
  • Element Details

    • value

      String value
      The SQL statement to execute when the annotated method gets invoked.
    • name

      String name
      The named query to be used. If not defined, the name of ${domainClass}.${queryMethodName} will be used.
    • rowMapperClass

      Class<? extends org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper> rowMapperClass
      Optional RowMapper to use to convert the result of the query to domain class instances. Cannot be used along with resultSetExtractorClass() only one of the two can be set.
    • rowMapperRef

      String rowMapperRef
      Optional name of a bean of type RowMapper to use to convert the result of the query to domain class instances. Cannot be used along with resultSetExtractorClass() only one of the two can be set.
    • resultSetExtractorClass

      Class<? extends org.springframework.jdbc.core.ResultSetExtractor> resultSetExtractorClass
      Optional ResultSetExtractor to use to convert the result of the query to domain class instances. Cannot be used along with rowMapperClass() only one of the two can be set.
    • resultSetExtractorRef

      String resultSetExtractorRef
      Optional name of a bean of type ResultSetExtractor to use to convert the result of the query to domain class instances. Cannot be used along with rowMapperClass() only one of the two can be set.