Interface ReactiveGridFsOperations

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ReactiveGridFsOperations
Collection of operations to store and read files from MongoDB GridFS using reactive infrastructure.
Mark Paluch, Christoph Strobl
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    delete(Query query)
    Deletes all files matching the given Query.
    find(Query query)
    Returns a Flux emitting all files matching the given query.
    Returns a Mono emitting the frist GridFSFile matching the given query or Mono.empty() in case no file matches.
    findOne(Query query)
    Returns a Mono emitting a single GridFSFile matching the given query or Mono.empty() in case no file matches.
    getResource(com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSFile file)
    Returns a Mono emitting the ReactiveGridFsResource for a GridFSFile.
    getResource(String filename)
    Returns a Mono emitting the ReactiveGridFsResource with the given file name.
    getResources(String filenamePattern)
    Returns a Flux emitting all ReactiveGridFsResources matching the given file name pattern.
    default reactor.core.publisher.Mono<org.bson.types.ObjectId>
    store(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<> content, Object metadata)
    Stores the given content into a file applying the given metadata.
    default reactor.core.publisher.Mono<org.bson.types.ObjectId>
    store(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<> content, String filename)
    Stores the given content into a file with the given name.
    default reactor.core.publisher.Mono<org.bson.types.ObjectId>
    store(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<> content, String filename, Object metadata)
    Stores the given content into a file with the given name using the given metadata.
    default reactor.core.publisher.Mono<org.bson.types.ObjectId>
    store(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<> content, String filename, String contentType)
    Stores the given content into a file with the given name and content type.
    store(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<> content, String filename, String contentType, Object metadata)
    Stores the given content into a file with the given name and content type using the given metadata.
    default reactor.core.publisher.Mono<org.bson.types.ObjectId>
    store(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<> content, String filename, String contentType, org.bson.Document metadata)
    Stores the given content into a file with the given name and content type using the given metadata.
    default reactor.core.publisher.Mono<org.bson.types.ObjectId>
    store(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<> content, String filename, org.bson.Document metadata)
    Stores the given content into a file with the given name using the given metadata.
    default reactor.core.publisher.Mono<org.bson.types.ObjectId>
    store(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<> content, org.bson.Document metadata)
    Stores the given content into a file applying the given metadata.
    <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<T>
    store(GridFsObject<T,org.reactivestreams.Publisher<>> upload)
    Stores the given GridFsObject, likely a GridFsUpload, into into a file with given name.
  • Method Details

    • store

      default reactor.core.publisher.Mono<org.bson.types.ObjectId> store(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<> content, String filename)
      Stores the given content into a file with the given name.
      content - must not be null.
      filename - must not be null or empty.
      a Mono emitting the ObjectId of the GridFSFile just created.
    • store

      default reactor.core.publisher.Mono<org.bson.types.ObjectId> store(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<> content, @Nullable Object metadata)
      Stores the given content into a file applying the given metadata.
      content - must not be null.
      metadata - can be null.
      a Mono emitting the ObjectId of the GridFSFile just created.
    • store

      default reactor.core.publisher.Mono<org.bson.types.ObjectId> store(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<> content, @Nullable org.bson.Document metadata)
      Stores the given content into a file applying the given metadata.
      content - must not be null.
      metadata - can be null.
      a Mono emitting the ObjectId of the GridFSFile just created.
    • store

      default reactor.core.publisher.Mono<org.bson.types.ObjectId> store(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<> content, @Nullable String filename, @Nullable String contentType)
      Stores the given content into a file with the given name and content type.
      content - must not be null.
      filename - must not be null or empty.
      contentType - can be null.
      a Mono emitting the ObjectId of the GridFSFile just created.
    • store

      default reactor.core.publisher.Mono<org.bson.types.ObjectId> store(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<> content, @Nullable String filename, @Nullable Object metadata)
      Stores the given content into a file with the given name using the given metadata. The metadata object will be marshalled before writing.
      content - must not be null.
      filename - can be null or empty.
      metadata - can be null.
      a Mono emitting the ObjectId of the GridFSFile just created.
    • store

      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<org.bson.types.ObjectId> store(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<> content, @Nullable String filename, @Nullable String contentType, @Nullable Object metadata)
      Stores the given content into a file with the given name and content type using the given metadata. The metadata object will be marshalled before writing.
      content - must not be null.
      filename - must not be null or empty.
      contentType - can be null.
      metadata - can be null
      a Mono emitting the ObjectId of the GridFSFile just created.
    • store

      default reactor.core.publisher.Mono<org.bson.types.ObjectId> store(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<> content, @Nullable String filename, @Nullable org.bson.Document metadata)
      Stores the given content into a file with the given name using the given metadata.
      content - must not be null.
      filename - must not be null or empty.
      metadata - can be null.
      a Mono emitting the ObjectId of the GridFSFile just created.
    • store

      default reactor.core.publisher.Mono<org.bson.types.ObjectId> store(org.reactivestreams.Publisher<> content, @Nullable String filename, @Nullable String contentType, @Nullable org.bson.Document metadata)
      Stores the given content into a file with the given name and content type using the given metadata.
      content - must not be null.
      filename - must not be null or empty.
      contentType - can be null. If not empty, may override content type within metadata.
      metadata - can be null.
      a Mono emitting the ObjectId of the GridFSFile just created.
    • store

      <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<T> store(GridFsObject<T,org.reactivestreams.Publisher<>> upload)
      Stores the given GridFsObject, likely a GridFsUpload, into into a file with given name. If the GridFsObject.getFileId() is set, the file will be stored with that id, otherwise the server auto creates a new id.
      Type Parameters:
      T - id type of the underlying GridFSFile
      upload - the GridFsObject (most likely a GridFsUpload) to be stored.
      Mono emitting the id of the stored file which is either an auto created value or GridFsObject.getFileId().
    • find

      reactor.core.publisher.Flux<com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSFile> find(Query query)
      Returns a Flux emitting all files matching the given query.
      Note: Currently Sort criteria defined at the Query will not be regarded as MongoDB does not support ordering for GridFS file access.
      query - must not be null.
      Flux.empty() if no mach found.
      See Also:
    • findOne

      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSFile> findOne(Query query)
      Returns a Mono emitting a single GridFSFile matching the given query or Mono.empty() in case no file matches.
      NOTE If more than one file matches the given query the resulting Mono emits an error. If you want to obtain the first found file use findFirst(Query).
      query - must not be null.
      Mono.empty() if not match found.
    • findFirst

      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSFile> findFirst(Query query)
      Returns a Mono emitting the frist GridFSFile matching the given query or Mono.empty() in case no file matches.
      query - must not be null.
      Mono.empty() if not match found.
    • delete

      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Void> delete(Query query)
      Deletes all files matching the given Query.
      query - must not be null.
      a Mono signalling operation completion.
    • getResource

      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<ReactiveGridFsResource> getResource(String filename)
      Returns a Mono emitting the ReactiveGridFsResource with the given file name.
      filename - must not be null.
      Mono.empty() if no match found.
    • getResource

      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<ReactiveGridFsResource> getResource(com.mongodb.client.gridfs.model.GridFSFile file)
      Returns a Mono emitting the ReactiveGridFsResource for a GridFSFile.
      file - must not be null.
      Mono.empty() if no match found.
    • getResources

      reactor.core.publisher.Flux<ReactiveGridFsResource> getResources(String filenamePattern)
      Returns a Flux emitting all ReactiveGridFsResources matching the given file name pattern.
      filenamePattern - must not be null.
      Flux.empty() if no match found.