All Classes and Interfaces

A filter that will always evaluate to false, as specified in RFC4526.
A filter that will always evaluate to true, as specified in RFC4526.
Abstract superclass for Compensating TransactionManager delegates.
Abstract superclass that may be used instead of implementing ContextMapper directly.
Abstract implementation of the ContextSource interface.
Abstract FactoryBean superclass to use for automatically launching an EC2 instance before creating the actual target object.
Convenient base class useful when implementing a standard DirContextProcessor which has a request control and a response control.
Convenience class that implements most of the methods in the Filter interface.
Abstract superclass with responsibility to apply a single RequestControl on an LdapContext, preserving any existing controls.
Abstract superclass for DirContextAuthenticationStrategy implementations that apply TLS security to the connections.
Manages a sequence of DirContextProcessor instances.
A filter for a logical AND.
Maps a Java field to an LDAP attribute.
The Type attribute indicates whether a field is regarded as binary based or string based by the LDAP JNDI provider.
Dummy AttributesMapper for testing purposes to check that the received Attributes are the expected ones.
Dummy ContextMapper for testing purposes to check that the received Attributes are the expected ones.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI AttributeInUseException.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI AttributeModificationException.
Indicates that the implementing class is capable of keeping track of any attribute modifications and return them as ModificationItems.
Simple value class to hold the schema of an attribute.
An interface used by LdapTemplate for mapping LDAP Attributes to beans.
A CollectingNameClassPairCallbackHandler to wrap an AttributesMapper.
Interface defining the required methods for AttributeValidationPolicies.
Callback interface for use when looping through Attribute values.
Callback interface to be used in the authentication methods in LdapOperations for performing operations on individually authenticated contexts.
Callback interface to be used in the authentication methods in LdapOperations for performing operations on individually authenticated contexts.
Callback interface to be used in the authentication methods in LdapOperations for performing operations when there are authentication errors.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI AuthenticationException.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI AuthenticationNotSupportedException.
An AuthenticationSource is responsible for providing the principal (user DN) and credentials to be used when creating a new context.
Thrown to indicate that an invalid value has been supplied to an LDAP operation.
Interface to be implemented by classes that want to have access to the base context used in the active ContextSource.
DistinguishedName and associated classes and methods are deprecated as of 2.0.
This BeanPostProcessor checks each bean if it implements BaseLdapNameAware or BaseLdapPathAware.
Interface to be implemented by ContextSources that are capable of providing the base LDAP path.
Implementations of this interface are capable of providing a base LDAP path.
BasicSchemaSpecification establishes a minimal set of requirements for object classes.
Abstract superclass for binary logical operations, that is "AND" and "OR" operations.
A CompensatingTransactionOperationExecutor to manage a bind operation.
A CompensatingTransactionOperationRecorder keeping track of bind operations.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI CannotProceedException.
Convenience implementation of AuthenticationErrorCallback that stores the given exception and provides a method for retrieving it.
A NameClassPairCallbackHandler to collect all results in an internal List.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI CommunicationException.
Abstract superclass for filters that compare values.
Base class for compensating transaction resource holders.
Responsible for executing a single recorded operation as well as committing or rolling it back, depending on the transaction outcome.
Factory interface for creating CompensatingTransactionOperationRecorder objects based on operation method names.
A CompensatingTransactionOperationManager implementation records and performs operations that are to be performed within a compensating transaction.
An implementation of this interface is responsible for recording data and supplying a CompensatingTransactionOperationExecutor to be invoked for execution and compensating transaction management of the operation.
Common methods for use with compensating transactions.
Constructs a conditional LDAP filter based on the attribute specified in the previous builder step.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI ConfigurationException.
And/or filter builder support for LdapQuery.
Helper interface to be used by Dao implementations for assembling to and from context.
Interface for delegating an actual operation to be performed on a DirContext.
An interface used by LdapTemplate to map LDAP Contexts to beans.
A CollectingNameClassPairCallbackHandler to wrap a ContextMapper.
Currently only per request controls can be inspected via the post process method on a context processor.
Extension of the ContextMapper interface that allows controls to be passed to the mapper implementation.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI ContextNotEmptyException.
A ContextSource is responsible for configuring and creating DirContext instances.
The idea of wrapping two transaction managers without actual XA support is probably not such a good idea after all.
The idea of wrapping two transaction managers without actual XA support is probably not such a good idea after all.
FactoryBean to create a ContextSource using the EC2 instance created by superclass.
TransactionManager for managing LDAP transactions.
This delegate performs all the work for the ContextSourceTransactionManager.
Interface specifying the conversion between two classes
Thrown by the conversion framework to indicate an error condition - typically a failed type conversion.
A simple interface to be implemented to provide type conversion functionality.
A utility class to allow ConverterManagerImpl instances to be easily configured via spring.xml.
Configuration information for a single Converter instance.
An implementation of ConverterManager.
A NameClassPairCallbackHandler for counting all returned entries.
Thrown by an AbstractRequestControlDirContextProcessor when it cannot create a request control.
Ensures the buffer represents a valid attribute as defined by RFC2849.
Default implementation of CompensatingTransactionOperationManager.
Default controller.
Default implementation of the DirObjectFactory interface.
DistinguishedName and associated classes are deprecated as of 2.0.
Utility class that helps with reading all attribute values from Active Directory using Incremental Retrieval of Multi-valued Properties.
The default NameClassPairMapper implementation.
Default implementation of ObjectDirectoryMapper.
DefaultSchemaSpecification does not validate objects at all - it simply returns true.
Default implementation of TempEntryRenamingStrategy.
Default implementation of TLS authentication.
Decorator on AuthenticationSource to have default authentication information be returned should the target return empty principal and credentials.
Support class to provide BaseLdapPathSource functionality to ContextSource instances that act as proxies.
Used by PoolingContextSource to wrap a Context, delegating most methods to the underlying context, retains a reference to the pool the context was checked out from and returns itself to the pool when DelegatingContext.close() is called.
Used by PooledContextSource to wrap a Context, delegating most methods to the underlying context, retains a reference to the pool the context was checked out from and returns itself to the pool when DelegatingContext.close() is called.
Used by PoolingContextSource to wrap a DirContext, delegating most methods to the underlying context.
Used by PooledContextSource to wrap a DirContext, delegating most methods to the underlying context.
Used by PoolingContextSource to wrap a LdapContext, delegating most methods to the underlying context.
Used by PooledContextSource to wrap a LdapContext, delegating most methods to the underlying context.
A TempEntryRenamingStrategy that moves the entry to a different subtree than the original entry.
Authentication strategy for LDAP DIGEST-MD5 SASL mechanism.
Adapter that implements the interesting methods of the DirContext interface.
A strategy to use when authenticating LDAP connections on creation.
Keeps track of the transaction DirContext.
Interface for DirContextAdapter.
Interface to be called in search by LdapTemplate before and after the actual search and enumeration traversal.
Helper interface to be able to get hold of the target DirContext from proxies created by ContextSource proxies.
ContextSource implementation which creates InitialDirContext instances, for LDAPv2 compatibility.
An enum representing the two types of DirContexts that can be returned by a ContextSource.
An enum representing the two types of DirContexts that can be returned by a ContextSource.
A validator for DirContexts.
A validator for DirContexts.
As of 2.0 it is recommended to use LdapName along with utility methods in LdapUtils instead.
DistinguishedName and associated classes are deprecated as of 2.0.
Maps a Java field to a component of an entry's distinguished name.
DistinguishedName and associated classes are deprecated as of 2.0.
Token literal values and constants.
Token Manager.
Helper class for embedded Apache Directory Server.
Helper class for embedded Unboundid ldap server.
This annotation marks a Java class to be persisted in an LDAP directory.
A filter for 'equals'.
DirContextAuthenticationStrategy for using TLS and external (SASL) authentication.
Common interface for LDAP filters.
Property editor for Filter instances.
A Converter from a String to any class which has a single argument public constructor taking a String.
A filter to compare >=.
Allows hard coded parts to be included in a search filter.
This annotation marks a Java field as containing the Distinguished Name of an LDAP Entry.
Utility that helps with reading all attribute values from Active Directory using Incremental Retrieval of Multi-valued Properties.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI InsufficientResourcesException.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI InterruptedNamingException.
Thrown whenever a parsed attribute does not conform to LDAP specifications.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI InvalidAttributeIdentifierException.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI InvalidAttributesException.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI InvalidAttributeValueException.
Thrown to indicate that an instance is not suitable for persisting in the LDAP directory.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI InvalidNameException.
Thrown whenever a parsed record does not conform to LDAP specifications.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI InvalidSearchControlsException.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI InvalidSearchFilterException.
Extends BasicAttribute to add support for options as defined in RFC2849.
Extends BasicAttributes to add specialized support for DNs.
CompensatingTransactionOperationRecorder implementation for LDAP operations.
ContextSource implementation which creates an InitialLdapContext instance.
Common data access methods for entries in an LDAP tree.
Helper class to encode and decode ldap names and values.
Wrapper class to handle the full identification of an LDAP entry.
ContextMapper implementation that maps the found entries to the LdapEntryIdentification of each respective entry.
Helper class for building LdapName instances.
Interface that specifies a basic set of LDAP operations.
Callback interface to be used together with SingleContextSource.
Holds all information regarding a Ldap query to be performed.
Builder of LdapQueries.
DistinguishedName and associated classes are deprecated as of 2.0.
DistinguishedName and associated classes are deprecated as of 2.0.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI LdapReferralException.
Executes core LDAP functionality and helps to avoid common errors, relieving the user of the burden of looking up contexts, looping through NamingEnumerations and closing contexts.
A NameClassPairCallbackHandler that passes the NameClassPairs found to a NameClassPairMapper and collects the results in a list.
Do-nothing implementation of DirContextProcessor.
Utilities for starting, stopping and populating an in-process Apache Directory Server to use for integration testing purposes.
Utilities for starting, stopping and populating an in-process Apache Directory Server to use for integration testing purposes.
Utility methods for working with LDAP transactions.
Generic utility methods for working with LDAP.
The LdifParser is the main class of the org.springframework.ldap.ldif package.
A filter to compare <=.
This filter allows the user to specify wildcards (*) by not escaping them in the filter.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI LimitExceededException.
Enumeration declaring possible event types when parsing LDIF files.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI LinkException.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI LinkLoopException.
Comparator for comparing lists of Comparable objects.
Attempts to perform an LDAP operation in the authenticated context, because Active Directory might allow bind with incorrect password (specifically empty password), and later refuse operations.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI MalformedLinkException.
Thrown to indicate an error in the annotated meta-data.
A CompensatingTransactionOperationExecutor to manage a modifyAttributes operation.
A CompensatingTransactionOperationRecorder keeping track of modifyAttributes operations, creating corresponding ModifyAttributesOperationExecutor instances for rollback.
Used by MutablePoolingContextSource to wrap a LdapContext, delegating most methods to the underlying context.
Used by MutablePooledContextSource to wrap a LdapContext, delegating most methods to the underlying context.
A PooledContextSource subclass that creates MutableDelegatingLdapContext instances.
A PoolingContextSource subclass that creates MutableDelegatingLdapContext instances.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI NameAlreadyBoundException.
Used internally to make DirContextAdapter properly handle Names as values.
Used internally to help DirContextAdapter properly handle Names as values.
Callback interface used by LdapTemplate search, list and listBindings methods.
Responsible for mapping NameClassPair objects to beans.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI NameNotFoundException.
Base class for exception thrown by the framework whenever it encounters a problem related to LDAP.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI NamingSecurityException.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI NoInitialContextException.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI NoPermissionException.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI NoSuchAttributeException.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI NotContextException.
A filter for 'not'.
A convenience class that combines NOT behavior with present behavior to allow the user to check for the non-existence of a attribute.
A CompensatingTransactionOperationRecorder performing nothing, returning a NullOperationExecutor regardless of the input.
The ObjectDirectoryMapper keeps track of managed class metadata and is used by LdapTemplate to map to/from entity objects annotated with the annotations specified in the org.springframework.ldap.odm.annotations package.
Thrown by a ContextMapperCallbackHandler when it cannot retrieve an object from the given Binding.
Simple value class to hold the schema of an object class
The root of the Spring LDAP ODM exception hierarchy.
This functionality is automatically available in LdapTemplate as of version 2.0
This functionality is automatically available in LdapTemplate as of version 2.0
This functionality is automatically available in LdapTemplate as of version 2.0
Default implementation of PersonDao.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI OperationNotSupportedException.
Filter for logical OR.
Wrapper class for the cookie returned when using the PagedResultsControl.
DirContextProcessor implementation for managing the paged results control.
Use PagedResultsDirContextProcessor instead.
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
The Parser interface represents the required methods to be implemented by parser utilities.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI PartialResultException.
Simple class representing a single person.
Data Access Object interface for the Person entity.
Default implementation of PersonDao.
A wrapper class for the pool configuration.
A ContextSource implementation that wraps an object pool and another ContextSource.
A ContextSource implementation that wraps an object pool and another ContextSource.
Filter that allows the user to check for the existence of a attribute.
A CompensatingTransactionOperationExecutor to manage a rebind operation.
A CompensatingTransactionOperationRecorder keeping track of a rebind operation.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI ReferralException.
A CompensatingTransactionOperationExecutor to manage a rename operation.
A CompensatingTransactionOperationRecorder for keeping track of rename operations.
This tool creates a Java class representation of a set of LDAP object classes for use with OdmManager.
A simple utility to list LDAP directory schema.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI SchemaViolationException.
Interface for delegating an actual search operation.
Type safe definitions of search scopes.
Policy object for enforcing LDIF record separation rules.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI ServiceUnavailableException.
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
The default DirContextAuthenticationStrategy implementation, setting the DirContext environment up for 'SIMPLE' authentication, and specifying the user DN and password as SECURITY_PRINCIPAL and SECURITY_CREDENTIALS respectively in the authenticated environment before the context is created.
A ContextSource to be used as a decorator around a target ContextSource to make sure the target is never actually closed.
A proxy for DirContext forwarding all operation to the target DirContext, but making sure that no close operations will be performed.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI SizeLimitExceededException.
DirContextProcessor implementation for managing the SortControl.
The specification interface is implemented to declare rules that a record must conform to.
Interface for different strategies to rename temporary entries for unbind and rebind operations.
Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI TimeLimitExceededException.
Describes the input token stream.
Token Manager Error.
A Converter from any class to a String via the toString method.
A proxy for ContextSource to make sure that the returned DirContext objects are aware of the surrounding transactions.
Proxy implementation for DirContext, making sure that the instance is not closed during a transaction, and that all modifying operations are recorded, storing compensating rollback operations for them.
This annotation identifies a field in an Entry annotated class that should not be persisted to LDAP.
A CompensatingTransactionOperationExecutor to manage an unbind operation.
CompensatingTransactionOperationRecorder to keep track of unbind operations.
NamingException to be thrown when no other matching subclass is found.
Thrown when an OdmManager method is called with a class which is not being managed by the OdmManager.
AggregateDirContextProcessor implementation for managing a virtual list view by aggregating DirContextProcessor implementations for a VirtualListViewControl and its required companion SortControl.
DirContextProcessor implementation for managing a virtual list view.
Wrapper class for the cookie returned when using the VirtualListViewControl.
This filter automatically converts all whitespace to wildcards (*).