Class XmlRepositoryConfigurationSource

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class XmlRepositoryConfigurationSource extends RepositoryConfigurationSourceSupport
XML based RepositoryConfigurationSource. Uses configuration defined on Element attributes.
Oliver Gierke, Thomas Darimont, Christoph Strobl, Peter Rietzler, Jens Schauder
  • Constructor Details

    • XmlRepositoryConfigurationSource

      public XmlRepositoryConfigurationSource(Element element, org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.ParserContext context, org.springframework.core.env.Environment environment)
      Creates a new XmlRepositoryConfigurationSource using the given Element and ParserContext.
      element - must not be null.
      context - must not be null.
      environment - must not be null.
  • Method Details

    • getSource

      @Nullable public Object getSource()
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConfigurationSource
      Returns the actual source object that the configuration originated from. Will be used by the tooling to give visual feedback on where the repository instances actually come from. @return.
    • getBasePackages

      public Streamable<String> getBasePackages()
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConfigurationSource
      Returns the base packages the repository interfaces shall be found under.
      must not be null.
    • getQueryLookupStrategyKey

      public Optional<Object> getQueryLookupStrategyKey()
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConfigurationSource
      Returns the QueryLookupStrategy.Key to define how query methods shall be resolved.
    • getNamedQueryLocation

      public Optional<String> getNamedQueryLocation()
    • getElement

      public Element getElement()
      Returns the XML element backing the configuration.
      the element
    • getExcludeFilters

      public Streamable<org.springframework.core.type.filter.TypeFilter> getExcludeFilters()
      Description copied from class: RepositoryConfigurationSourceSupport
      Return the TypeFilters to define which types to exclude when scanning for repositories. Default implementation returns an empty collection.
      Specified by:
      getExcludeFilters in interface RepositoryConfigurationSource
      getExcludeFilters in class RepositoryConfigurationSourceSupport
      must not be null.
    • getIncludeFilters

      protected Iterable<org.springframework.core.type.filter.TypeFilter> getIncludeFilters()
      Description copied from class: RepositoryConfigurationSourceSupport
      Return the TypeFilters to define which types to include when scanning for repositories. Default implementation returns an empty collection.
      getIncludeFilters in class RepositoryConfigurationSourceSupport
      must not be null.
    • getRepositoryImplementationPostfix

      public Optional<String> getRepositoryImplementationPostfix()
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConfigurationSource
      Returns the configured postfix to be used for looking up custom implementation classes.
      the postfix to use or Optional.empty() in case none is configured.
    • getRepositoryFactoryBeanName

      public Optional<String> getRepositoryFactoryBeanName()
    • getRepositoryBaseClassName

      public Optional<String> getRepositoryBaseClassName()
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConfigurationSource
      Returns the name of the repository base class to be used or Optional.empty() if the store specific defaults shall be applied.
    • getRepositoryFactoryBeanClassName

      public Optional<String> getRepositoryFactoryBeanClassName()
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConfigurationSource
      Returns the name of the repository factory bean class or Optional.empty() if not defined in the source.
    • shouldConsiderNestedRepositories

      public boolean shouldConsiderNestedRepositories()
      Description copied from class: RepositoryConfigurationSourceSupport
      Returns whether we should consider nested repositories, i.e. repository interface definitions nested in other classes.
      shouldConsiderNestedRepositories in class RepositoryConfigurationSourceSupport
      true if the container should look for nested repository interface definitions.
    • getAttribute

      public Optional<String> getAttribute(String name)
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConfigurationSource
      Returns the value for the String attribute with the given name. The name is expected to be handed in camel-case.
      name - must not be null or empty.
      the attribute with the given name or Optional.empty() if not configured or empty.
    • getAttribute

      public <T> Optional<T> getAttribute(String name, Class<T> type)
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConfigurationSource
      Returns the value for the attribute with the given name and type. The name is expected to be handed in camel-case.
      name - must not be null or empty.
      type - the type of the attribute to look up.
      the attribute with the given name or Optional.empty() if not configured or empty.
    • usesExplicitFilters

      public boolean usesExplicitFilters()
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConfigurationSource
      Returns whether the configuration uses explicit filtering to scan for repository types.
      whether the configuration uses explicit filtering to scan for repository types.
    • getBootstrapMode

      public BootstrapMode getBootstrapMode()
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConfigurationSource
      Defines the repository BootstrapMode to be used.
    • getResourceDescription

      @NonNull public String getResourceDescription()
      Description copied from interface: RepositoryConfigurationSource
      Returns a human readable description of the repository configuration source for error reporting purposes.
      can be null.