Class ParametersParameterAccessor

All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable<Object>, ParameterAccessor

public class ParametersParameterAccessor extends Object implements ParameterAccessor
ParameterAccessor implementation using a Parameters instance to find special parameters.
Oliver Gierke, Mark Paluch
  • Constructor Details

    • ParametersParameterAccessor

      public ParametersParameterAccessor(Parameters<?,?> parameters, Object[] values)
      parameters - must not be null.
      values - must not be null.
  • Method Details

    • getParameters

      public Parameters<?,?> getParameters()
      Returns the Parameters instance backing the accessor.
      the parameters will never be null.
    • getValues

      protected Object[] getValues()
      Returns the potentially unwrapped values.
    • getPageable

      public Pageable getPageable()
      Description copied from interface: ParameterAccessor
      Returns the Pageable of the parameters, if available. Returns Pageable.unpaged() otherwise.
      Specified by:
      getPageable in interface ParameterAccessor
    • getSort

      public Sort getSort()
      Description copied from interface: ParameterAccessor
      Returns the sort instance to be used for query creation. Will use a Sort parameter if available or the Sort contained in a Pageable if available. Returns Sort.unsorted() if no Sort can be found.
      Specified by:
      getSort in interface ParameterAccessor
    • findDynamicProjection

      @Nullable public Class<?> findDynamicProjection()
      Returns the dynamic projection type if available, null otherwise.
      Specified by:
      findDynamicProjection in interface ParameterAccessor
    • getValue

      @Nullable protected <T> T getValue(int index)
      Returns the value with the given index.
      index -
    • getBindableValue

      public Object getBindableValue(int index)
      Description copied from interface: ParameterAccessor
      Returns the bindable value with the given index. Bindable means, that Pageable and Sort values are skipped without noticed in the index. For a method signature taking String, Pageable , String, #getBindableParameter(1) would return the second String value.
      Specified by:
      getBindableValue in interface ParameterAccessor
    • hasBindableNullValue

      public boolean hasBindableNullValue()
      Description copied from interface: ParameterAccessor
      Returns whether one of the bindable parameter values is null.
      Specified by:
      hasBindableNullValue in interface ParameterAccessor
    • iterator

      public iterator()
      Description copied from interface: ParameterAccessor
      Returns an iterator over all bindable parameters. This means parameters implementing Pageable or Sort will not be included in this Iterator.
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Iterable<Object>
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface ParameterAccessor