Class IntegrationComponentSpec<S extends IntegrationComponentSpec<S,T>,T>

Type Parameters:
S - the target IntegrationComponentSpec implementation type.
T - the target type.
All Implemented Interfaces:
DisposableBean, FactoryBean<T>, InitializingBean, Lifecycle, Phased, SmartLifecycle
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractConnectionFactorySpec, BroadcastPublishSubscribeSpec, EndpointSpec, JmsDestinationAccessorSpec, JmsOutboundGatewaySpec.ReplyContainerSpec, KafkaMessageListenerContainerSpec, KafkaTemplateSpec, MessageChannelSpec, MessageHandlerSpec, MessageListenerContainerSpec, MessageProcessorSpec, MessageProducerSpec, MessageSourceSpec, MessagingGatewaySpec, PollerSpec, WireTapSpec

@IntegrationDsl public abstract class IntegrationComponentSpec<S extends IntegrationComponentSpec<S,T>,T> extends Object implements FactoryBean<T>, InitializingBean, DisposableBean, SmartLifecycle
The common Builder abstraction. If used as a bean definition, must be treated as an FactoryBean, therefore its getObject() method must not be called in the target configuration.
Artem Bilan
  • Field Details

    • PARSER

      protected static final SpelExpressionParser PARSER
    • logger

      protected final Log logger
    • target

      protected volatile T target
  • Constructor Details

    • IntegrationComponentSpec

      public IntegrationComponentSpec()
  • Method Details