Class StateMachineConfig<S,E>

Type Parameters:
S - the type of state
E - the type of event

public class StateMachineConfig<S,E> extends Object
Generic pojo keeping relates configs together.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • StateMachineConfig

      public StateMachineConfig(ConfigurationData<S,E> stateMachineConfigurationConfig, TransitionsData<S,E> transitions, StatesData<S,E> states)
      Instantiates a new state machine config.
      stateMachineConfigurationConfig - the state machine configuration config
      transitions - the transitions
      states - the states
    • StateMachineConfig

      public StateMachineConfig(ConfigurationData<S,E> stateMachineConfigurationConfig, TransitionsData<S,E> transitions, StatesData<S,E> states, ModelData<S,E> model)
      Instantiates a new state machine config.
      stateMachineConfigurationConfig - the state machine configuration config
      transitions - the transitions
      states - the states
      model - the model
  • Method Details