Class AbstractConfiguredAnnotationBuilder<O,I,B extends AnnotationBuilder<O>>

Type Parameters:
O - The object that this builder returns
I - The interface of type B
B - The type of this builder (that is returned by the base class)
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
StateMachineConfigBuilder, StateMachineConfigurationBuilder, StateMachineModelBuilder, StateMachineStateBuilder, StateMachineTransitionBuilder

public abstract class AbstractConfiguredAnnotationBuilder<O,I,B extends AnnotationBuilder<O>> extends AbstractAnnotationBuilder<O>
A base AnnotationBuilder that allows AnnotationConfigurers to be applied to it. This makes modifying the AnnotationBuilder a strategy that can be customised and broken up into a number of AnnotationConfigurer objects that have more specific goals than that of the AnnotationBuilder.